24-25 Tryouts
Dates are subject to change based on any USAV/OVR updates to tryout rules. More tryout dates may be added as needed.
tryout RULES & INFOrmation
1. Make sure you attend the correct age group according to the chart below only. While birthdates listed in OVR charts may allow a player to be eligible by grade level, but not by birthdate, we only accept players to teams playing to your birthdate, except 9U which may play either. There may be some tournaments on the schedule outside of OVR/USAV in which having a birthdate too early for the age division is not permitted, regardless of the grade level, except for 9U.
2024-25 Age Divisions for Arsenal Teams:
9U : Born on or after 7/1/15 -OR- 3rd grade and lower
10U : Born 7/1/14 - 6/30/15
11s : Born 7/1/13 - 6/30/14
12s : Born 7/1/12 - 6/30/13
13s : Born 7/1/11 - 6/30/12
14s : Born 7/1/10 - 6/30/11
15s : Born 7/1/09 - 6/30/10
16s : Born 7/1/08 - 6/30/09
17s : Born 7/1/07 - 6/30/08
2. Tryout for the level National (Highest), American, or Regional (Lowest) which you would like to be considered. You can visit our I'm New FAQs for more information on the differences between levels of play. We recommend choosing the highest level which you would like to be considered as we will also consider your player for all levels under that during the tryout process. Ages 9-10 will not need to select a level as they're all labeled 9U or 10U, meaning they can play any level of tournament.
3. You must attend at least one tryout date and may attend more. If you attend more than one tryout date, you are charged for each date you attend. Tryout dates can be found above. Returning early contracted Arsenal players must attend at least one tryout to be evaluated for specific team placement. If you received and accepted a team-specific offer (ex: 11U Schutte), you must attend at least one tryout, however you do not have to register or pay for that tryout.
4. Register for your respective age group's Tryout Date.
5. Walk ins accepted for Tryouts. All registration paperwork must be complete before entry is granted.
6. Review the Arsenal Handbook. This is subject to change for the 2024-25 Season.
7. Arrive at least 30 minutes early as tryouts begin promptly.
8. Paperwork and forms are not required for those that registered online as those forms are built into your registration for your convenience. Masks are not required during tryouts. Do not attend with any contagious illness or fever present.
9. Tryouts are closed to spectators and parents.
Tryout Location: Arsenal Volleyball Academy
215 Amerian Way
Monroe, OH 45050
(see map below for directions)
10. Check our Tryout Results pages for your tryout number to be listed. Use the acceptance link on the page to either accept or decline your offer by the deadline listed on your age group's results page. If you accept an offer at another club, please be sure to decline the offer so that we can offer that spot to another player. Tryout results/offers change frequently, so be sure to check back often! It is possible for offers to move up to higher level teams, alternates to take placement to a team, and new alternates to appear for offer following the conclusion of tryouts.
11. If you accepted your offer, be sure to read through the commitment process for relative information including for the upcoming 2024-25 season. Please keep in mind that some of the information is subject to change, especially for those registering before the fall.
12. Players will receive information to complete their uniform submission order that will be emailed to them with other club information as they are accepted. It important that you complete this information by the deadline outlined in your welcome email.
- Questions may be directed to cincyarsenal@gmail.com -