Commitment Process

All Arsenal teams practice 2-3x a week for 2 hours each (except 9s). All practices begin the first full week of December.
Tentative tournament schedules vary per team. Each team's schedule can be found on their respective team page.

Arsenal is proud to offer Nike uniform packages that include 2 jerseys, 2 game shorts, 2 practice shirts, and long-sleeved warm-up shirt. This is no additional cost to you.
Uniform orders will be placed following tryouts. Players may complete the uniform submission link that will be emailed to them after acceptance to submit their uniform order. We will let you know when that link has been sent.

meet & greet
Players that accept will receive an informational video detailing most of what you need to know for the season the day after the latest acceptance deadline for your age group. This video is mandatory due to its importance.
You will also receive a Zoom invite for a Team Meet & Greet. You'll get a chance to speak with the Directors and other members of your age group and team.